Saturday 29 September 2007

covenet's halo war

Marine's halo war

how cool is this!!!

My Dog Nui

I remember when I first got my dog Nui. Last year my parents and I rescued a grey hound from Dogs Trust. My mom got an ok from my dad to get a dog for her birthday.

On July 9, 2006 it was a very hot day. My mom, my friend Joe Poston and I drove out to Otley Dogs Trust. As we pulled up we saw two greyhounds getting out of van. They were being transferred from a greyhound and lurcher organization. My mom fell in love with the taller greyhound named Virgil.

We walked into the office to ask if Virgil was available. They said that he was available but they had no information about him because he was picked up as a stray. That didn’t matter to us. My mom asked if we could spend some time with the tabby greyhound named Virgil. We fell in love with him and my mom filled out the paper work so we could take him home.

Few weeks later my dog Nui learned a couple of tricks. A few months later he started sleeping on my bed. Now Nui and I like to be lazy. We like to play a little, Watch TV and we like to eat with each other. Nui is my favorite dog.

Monday 23 April 2007

Lego Halo Series 1

Check out my latest story: Lego Halo Series 1

Hello Everyone!!

If you are into Halo, Lego Star Wars or Star Wars period... you have come to the right place. Please check out MY BASE when you get the chance and read some stories I have put together.
